It’s Alive!

Linda’s beautiful story.. and MEAN insanely beautiful, is live on Amazon TODAY. 🙂 I would like to sincerely congratulate her and thank her for being awesome. Ladies, and of course gentleman.. this is one heck of a story with layer upon layer upon divine sensuous, real, human, mind-blowing layer. I LOVED reading it and I predict if it gets in the right hands.. it is a NY times best seller. And god only knows Linda deserves it to be.

My book–the one I’ve been saying I was going to publish for four years now (didn’t believe me, did you?)–is finally here!

It’s a story I spent months obsessing over, traveled for, went to outrageous lengths for–I sat in the Kingston Via Rail station, taking notes for the description of it; drove around the city looking for the perfect setting for the house in which the story takes place and then I parked my car there and walked halfway back to town to see what it would be like. I stayed in different lodgings – the university where my characters went to school, the house that inspired the one in the book, and a small motel near the train station. I even had a chance to interview a magician. I’ll be posting that interview soon.

But most of all I had a lot of fun writing The Magician’s Curse and…

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